



Address in foreign language is written differently in many languages. In English, it is expressed as a combination of the house number, street name, city, state, and zip code, such as 123 Main Street, Anytown, Any State, United States, 12345. In French, the address is written in the opposite order, with the zip code first, followed by the city, street name, and house number, such as 12345 Anytown, 123 Main Street, France.

In Spanish, the address is written in a similar manner to English, but with a few variations. The house number comes first, followed by the street name, colony (if applicable), city, state, and zip code, such as 123 Main Street, Any Colony, Anytown, Any State, Spain, 12345.

In German, the address format is similar to Spanish, but the ordering of the components may differ slightly. The house number is followed by the street name, city, state, and zip code, such as 123 Main Street, Anytown, Any State, Germany, 12345.

In Chinese, the address format is written in the opposite order of German, with the zip code first, followed by the state, city, street name, and house number, such as 12345 Any State, Anytown, 123 Main Street, China.

In Japanese, the address is written in a similar way to Chinese, with the zip code first, followed by the state, city, street name, and house number, such as 12345 Any State, Anytown, 123 Main Street, Japan.

In Italian, the address format is written similarly to Spanish, with the house number first, followed by the street name, city, state, and zip code, such as 123 Main Street, Anytown, Any State, Italy, 12345.

In other languages, the address format may differ slightly, but the basic components remain the same. No matter the language, the address should always include the house number, street name, city, state, and zip code.

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