



Dear Admissions Officers,

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend _________(姓名) for admission to your esteemed __________(目的学校). I have had the pleasure of knowing _________ for _____(多久) and can confidently say that she would be an excellent addition to your student body.

_________ (姓名) has many outstanding qualities that make her a great candidate for your college. She is an exceptionally hardworking student, dedicated to achieving her goals. She has a strong work ethic and is determined to do her best regardless of the assignment. She is also a well-rounded individual with a wide range of interests, from the humanities to the sciences. She has a passion for learning and is always eager to explore new topics.

In addition to her academic abilities, _______ (姓名) is an active participant in many extracurricular activities. She is a leader on the ___________ (特定社团或活动) team and is always willing to take on additional responsibility. She is also an active member of ___________ (特定社团或活动), where she has demonstrated her excellent communication and organization skills. Her involvement in these activities has helped her become a well-rounded individual with strong leadership skills.

I believe that _______ (姓名) would be an excellent addition to your college community. She is an outstanding student with a strong work ethic and a passion for learning. In addition, she is an active participant in many extracurricular activities and is a leader in her community. I highly recommend ________ (姓名) for admission to ___________ (目的学校).


___________ (签名)

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